Health problems related to a lockdown

 Hello again, this time I will talk about some mental health problems that the quarantine has brought to society in general and to me personally.

The quarantine that we have lived through since approximately March 2020 has affected people a lot, so much so that it has created mental health problems for most of society. One of the problems that has most affected people in general has been the stress and anxiety that this confinement has brought, so much so that 54.8% of the population declares that they have felt more anxious or stressed in this quarantine.

Personally, the pandemic has affected me a lot since I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and with the confinement and the few distractions from the routine it has made it more difficult than usual to cope with it. Despite that, I try to do yoga, play video games, cook, and video chat with my friends.

The pandemic has meant a lot to me since I have not been able to attend my first years of university in person, I have not been able to see much of my family or friends and that makes me very sad since I love and miss them very much But this has not only affected me as most people feel the same way. This is why it is very important to seek psychological help so that we do not feel so alone or with mental health problems.

My plans for when this pandemic ends are to travel with my friends to the south of Chile, to be closer to my family and to party with my friends, I miss all this a lot.


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